publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/7a810b02-1db6-11e7-aeb3-01aa75ed71a1/language-en, which gives to the selected programs a huge visibility worldwide. The School Education Gateway is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. It is operated for the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission by European Schoolnet, an international partnership of 31 European Ministries of Education developing learning for schools, teachers and pupils across Europe. The School Education Gateway is linked to eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe.
“This choice of this study program, made by the best European experts in education as an example of good practice, is a recognition without precedent of the quality of Pedagogy studies at our Faculty”, says professor Irina Maslo, developer and former director of the program till 2016. “It is also very positive for the international recognition of the University of Latvia and the prestige of Latvia”, says Manuels Fernandezs, director of this program since April 2016 and its former international coordinator.
Applications for this program are open for 2017-2018 till July 1st for Latvian students and till June 15th for students from Europe and other countries. See more here: www.lu.lv/eng/istudents/degree/study/master-educationaltreatment/
A summary of the ETD case study has been uploaded in the section “European Toolkit for Schools” of the online platform “School Education Gateway”, see