The members of researchers’ team are Professors at the University of Latvia Iveta Ķestere, Aīda Krūze, Zanda Rubene, Assoc. Prof. Baiba Kaļķe and docent Elita Stikute, as well as doctoral students Lilita Znotiņa, Kitija Valeiņa and Arnis Strazdiņš. The team is closely cooperating with Alīda Zigmunde, Assoc. Prof. at the Riga Technical University, as well as two young researchers who have obtained a doctorate in the University of Latvia over the past years Iveta Ozola and Aija Abens.
In 2015, the researchers’ team prepared 8 international publications and 3 of them are included in the Web of Science (WoS). The same year was prepared collection of scientific articles 'Era and Personality-15' edited by Prof. Krūze. Researchers are involved in international projects, among them – ‘Cultural Learning, Identity and the European Project’ financed by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). Currently, team is working on preparation of HORIZON 2020 in collaboration with Luxembourg, Birmingham, Ghent and Barcelona universities. Researchers regularly take part in international conferences and develop collaboration with the following international organizations: Baltic Association of Historians of Pedagogy (President- Krūze), ECER Network 17 (Co-convener- Ķestere), ISCHE 37 and ISCHE 38 (Member of Scientific Committee- Ķestere), Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (Visiting scholar- Ķestere), International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Internationale Gesellschaft für Historische und Systematische Schulbuchforschung. Prof. Ķestere is member of editorial boards of scientific journals ‘Paedagogica Historica’, ‘Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia’ (Vilnius University), ‘Annali di storia e delle dell'educazione istituzioni scolastiche’ (University of Brescia, Italy). Starting from 2016, the entire team, together with colleagues from other Baltic countries, is working on the collective monograph ‘Pedagogy and Educational Sciences in the Post-Soviet Baltic States, 1990-2004: Changes and Challenges.’ The research results of the team is disseminated during guest lectures in universities of Leuven, Luxembourg, Ferrara and Kiev, taking visitors to the Museum of Pedagogy and in cooperation with the mass media of Latvia. 14 March 2016. The informative seminar of the research programme 'Education as a cultural heritage' (coordinator prof. I. Ķestere) Presentation of the seminar (pdf) Report (2015) and vision (2016) (pdf)