The 14 participants from United Kingdom (2), Sweden (2), Latvia (1) and Egypt (9) discussed the achievement of the first 9 months of the project and planned the wok to be done until the end of the year. The premises of the Royal Institute of Technology were a very appropriate place for the meeting and discussion were very instructive for all the participants.
“We learnt more about the accreditation processes in UK and in Egypt. Egyptian partners are developing their own Egyptian qualification framework and they were very interested in the European qualification framework and in the adaptation made in Latvia (Latvian Qualification framework). A good part of the discussion was around the elaboration of the curriculum of the program. We could make our contribution about the formulation of ILO at program level as well as at module level and course level. The experts of the University of Alexandria, with which we have been working closely, made also their contribution about the curriculum map and the adaptation of ILOs to the Egyptian situation.
We are planning to introduce also this program in Latvia once the curriculum is developed. The interest about STEM teaching is very typical also in Latvia and we could benefit of the outcomes of this project. The coordinators showed their competence in managing the project. At the beginning we were a bit on late because of the late approval of the project, but now we are catching up the delays and soon we expect to be again in line with the initial planning”, says Dr. Fernandezs.
The next steps of the project will be the definition of ILOs for specialization tracks and the starting of training. We have been invited to participate in the training that our colleagues of Glasgow will organize in the middle of August, and it will be a great opportunity to learn a lot about the way STEM teaching and teacher training is organized there.
Next coordinator meeting will be held in Alexandria at the end of December 2016. We expect to organize a training for STEM teachers in Latvia in spring 2017 and have the coordinator meeting in Latvia by the beginning of 2018.