By the end of October 2020, the implementation of inclusive education at various levels of education has been applied to the project partners and the collected more than 200 materials and good practices tested in international practice. 110 descriptions of good practice are already available in Latvian, the process of colection of good practices and translation continues, and the content of the repository is constantly being supplemented. You can get acquainted with the catalog of good practices on the project website www.inclusion-hub.eu.
The project has produced a handbook for inclusive education, which contains various recommendations, useful materials and information on the laws and regulations governing inclusive education projects in the member states. At the end of the year, the guide will be available to all interested parties on the project website.
10 informative seminars have already taken place in Riga, Tukums, Madona, Cēsis and Lielvārde. The results of the project have been presented to pre-school, primary, basic and vocational education teachers, heads of institutions and methodologists. Also, on August 27, 2020, the first workshop for pre-school education teachers took place in Riga – education educators learned the skills needed to work with the digital website created within the project and got acquainted with VIMALA materials for promoting reading skills in pre-school.
State Education Content Center (VISC) ESF project “Competence Approach to Curriculum” (School2030) conference for education practitioners and policy makers “School for every child” assoc.profesor D.Nīmante in the discussion “Inclusive education: how to reach every child?” provided an insight into the results of the project and presented the collection of good practices for the implementation of inclusive education compiled by the repository. The conference took place on October 8, 2020, in Ogre Region Culture Center. The conference could be watched live.
The project team at the University of Latvia is researchers of the Pedagogical Research Institute of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art: Dr. paed. Linda Daniela (project manager), Dr. paed. Zanda Rubene, Dr. paed. Dita Nīmante, Dr.paed. Gunta Siliņa-Jasjukeviča, Dr.paed. Svetlana Surikova, Mg. paed. Art Rūdolfs, LU Master’s program “Pedagogy” student Katrīna Elizabete Biezā.
The project will last 36 months and will end on January 30, 2022.
The project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus + K3 program. The project website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.