If you are working within the banking and finance sector, we invite you to participate in this survey which is conducted within the Central Baltic Interreg project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi”. The aim of this project is to design and implement a new English online course within the area of Sustainability in Finance. This is a joint project with partner institutions from Finland, the Aland Islands, Estonia and Latvia (UL and LSTS).
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes.
Please click to complete the questionnaire in Latvian HERE or in English HERE!
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: ievam@lu.lv; tamara.pigozne@lu.lv or svetlana.surikova@lu.lv
We appreciate that you take the time and fill in this questionnaire, your contribution is very valuable for us in the continued work planning and designing the new online course. If you have other colleagues that also would be interested in, and the right persons to answer this survey, we would appreciate it if you forward this email to them.
For more information about the SuFi project, please visit the projects’s website – www.sufi.fi
Kind regards,
SuFi project team of the University of Latvia.