The INTERREG Central Baltic project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi” (www.sufi.fi) consortium’s meeting has been organised by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (the SuFi lead partner) on 29 March 2021 via Zoom. Thirteen representatives from six project's partners’ institutions (i.e. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Liepajas State Technical school, Tartu VEC, University of Latvia, University of Tartu and Åland University of Applied Sciences) have participated in the consortium’s meeting aimed to summarise and discuss the main results of the 2nd reporting period from 1 September 2020 to 28 February 2021.
The consortium’s meeting was moderated by Jani Siirilä from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Saara Latvala from Haaga-Helia presented the progress report 2 created and submitted via the Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 e-Monitoring System (eMS). According to Jani Siirilä, there were the following results achieved within the workpackage “T1 – Module ideation and design”: ideation process of SuFi course was facilitated organising two workshops and many small groups meetings using Fitech model and ABC learning design tools in Flinga; an operational framework for SuFi research and development was elaborated identifying the learning outcomes and core content of three modules of the SuFi course; an online survey was conducted in finance sector using both Google Forms and Webropol and involving 221 respondents in total. Harriet Bodö (Åland University of Applied Sciences) introduced the SuFi survey primary data collected in Autumn 2020 via Google Forms with special emphasis on respondents’ demografical profile (e.g. age, gender, education level, working experience, etc.), top 5 skills related to sustainability in finance and other relevant issues.
According to Jani Siirilä, Moodle was created for each module providing an access to everyone taking part in planning and/or teaching within the workpackage “T2 – Module development and piloting”. Saara Latvala informed on the activities implemented within the workpackage “Communication” and Hanna Arina informed regarding SuFi financial issues.
Finally, there was an opportunity to collaborate in small groups (3-4-persons) working in breakout rooms to discuss SuFi project’s achievements and challenges within each workpackage using an online Padlet wall. In general, all partners were satisfied with SuFi project's achievements and positively evaluated the project's activities and results achieved during the 2nd reporting period.
Good luck to the SuFi consortium during the 3rd reporting period from 1 March 2021 to 31 August 2021!
Ieva Margeviča-Grinberga (SuFi project’s manager at the UL),
Tamara Pigozne (SuFi project's financial administrator and expert at the UL)
and Svetlana Surikova (SuFi project's expert and communication specialist at the UL).
About the project:
Sustainability in Finance - SuFi (Project's website)
Sustainability in Finance - SuFi (Central Baltic programme 2014-2020 database)