The INTERREG Central Baltic project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi” (www.sufi.fi) consortium’s meeting has been organised by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (the SuFi lead partner) on 9 December 2021 via Zoom. Thirteen representatives from six project's partners’ institutions (i.e. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Liepajas State Technical school, Tartu VEC, University of Latvia, University of Tartu and Åland University of Applied Sciences) have participated in the consortium’s meeting aimed to present the primary results of the 1st piloting stage.
At the beginning of the consortium’s meeting, Agnese Getaute-Zariņa and Aleksandra Neftina from the Liepajas State Technical school discussed their experience and impressions regarding the first piloting of the SuFi Module 1 & 3 within English course and Economics course. Sigrid Tani from the Tartu VEC shared her experience of the first piloting of the SuFi Module 3. Erica Scott and Jani Siirilä exchanged their expertise of the first pilot of the Module 1 & 3 at the Åland University of Applied Sciences and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Egle Säre from the University of Tartu asked some clarifying questions regarding the details of piloting to the presenters. In general, the first teachers’ and students’ piloting-related impressions were quite positive, although the piloting process was a little bit challenging.
Then Ieva Margeviča-Grinberga and Svetlana Surikova from the University of Latvia spoke about the topical project issues related to dissemination and communication activities such as informative articles developed on a regular basis and a Master thesis "Promoting the development of sustainable finance competence in vocational education and training" developed and defended by Sandra Laķe on 29 November 2021. The aim of study was to develop recommendations for the promotion of sustainable finance competence in vocational education and training. The study analysed structured interview responses of the SuFi project participants. The analysis design was based on grounded theory with a constant comparative method which is suitable for analysis of qualitative data in the author's interpretation The thesis contained a systemically comprehensive proposal for the promoting of sustainable finance competence. In addition, the work described pedagogical approaches to promote sustainable finance competence in vocational education and training.
Finally, Heli Lankinen and Jani Siirilä from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences informed the partners about their recent blog-text “Using learning design tools in online module planning”, presented creating, adding and implementing activities and resources in Moodle (for example, how to create PowerPoint presentations as interactive books), a module assessment form and a draft of schedule for the second piloting stage expected to be implemented from 1 March 2022 till 31 August 2022.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the year 2022 be the year of fruitful collaboration and implementation of professional goals for all the SuFi project’s partners!
Ieva Margeviča-Grinberga (SuFi project’s manager at the UL),
Tamara Pigozne (SuFi project's financial administrator and expert at the UL).
and Svetlana Surikova (SuFi project's expert and communication specialist at the UL).
About the project:
Sustainability in Finance - SuFi (Project's website)
Sustainability in Finance - SuFi (Central Baltic programme 2014-2020 database)