Creating a business in the digital age – developing entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeans through eMentorship – CReBUS
Project's contract No. 511822-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-KA3-KA3MP
UL reg. No. ZD2010/2684; 2010-4078/001–001; A-2684-040
Project's home page: see HERE
Project's partnership: Romania, Italy, Latvia, Austria, Spain
Project's duration: 2010-2012
Project's aim and objectives:
The main aim of the project is to create a new online learning environment to support the development of the entrepreneurial competences for young people and graduates. The concrete objectives are:
- To evaluate the training needs and learning interests of the young entrepreneurs.
- To identify the interest domains for starting a business from youngsters that are going to graduate and potential barriers
- To define a curriculum for developing entrepreneurial competences, using the Web 2.0 learning opportunities.
- To develop a website that offers training activities as webinars, video conferences, possibilities for social networking and other resources for online learning, as well as eMentorship.
- To develop an online community and a social network including young entrepreneurs, trainers and the other stakeholders.
- To exploit the potential of project outcomes for further development and sustainability beyond the EU-funding period
The emerging needs of a post-crisis society, the prospective studies at European level about the "new skills for new jobs", the strategy documents for Europe 2020 shows that new sectors will appear, new skills are needed, and among them, all have in common the entrepreneurial and ICT skills as basic ones. As demonstrated in the OECD Innovation Strategy, entrepreneurial skills and attitudes, risk-taking behaviour, creativity, etc. will be crucial competencies in the economy of the future (Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth, OECD 2009). CReBUS project is aiming to develop a training system in order to facilitate the development of entrepreneurship competences for students/graduates between 18-35 years old, using WEB 2.0. Bringing business closer to the young generation that succeeds harder to find a job, and enabling them to set up their own business is a viable solution to overcome the unemployed or migrant status they are exposed. By using dedicated WEB 2.0 applications and platforms, and eMentorship network, it can be facilitated the transfer of good practices and experiences from the people who succeed in different types of business to young European entrepreneurs. Four different groups are targeted: young entrepreneurs between 18-35 years old; students about graduating/graduates from faculties of educational sciences, psychology, administration; representatives of employers, unions and SMEs.
Project outcomes:
- Transnational needs analysis report of CReBUS project “Creating a business in the digital age – developing entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeans through eMentorship”
- Additional research based on the information retrieved from “ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs” platform
- E-mentoring methodology
- Online guide on quick starting a business
- Booklet "Entrepreneurship for Students in Social Sciences"
- CReBUS Moodle platform
- The proceedings of the International Conference “Entrepreneurship Education - A Priority for the Higher Education Institutions – CReBUS”, October 8-9, 2012, Bucharest, Romania.
The main publications:
![]() | Surikova, Svetlana; Pīgozne, Tamāra; Maslo, Irina (2013). CReBUS project transnational needs analysis: concept and findings of the research. Project report is developed on March 31, 2011 in the framework of the project “Creating a business in the digital age – developing entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeans through eMentorship – CReBUS”. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 90 lpp. Iespiests SIA „Latgales druka”. ISBN 978-9934-517-02-0 |
![]() | Ardeleanu, Anca Monica; Papuc, Razvan Mihail; Bratu, Anca (2012). Entrepreneurship for Students in Social Sciences. CReBUS project team: Magdalena Platis; Monica Ardeleanu; Razvan Papuc; Simona Sava, Laura Malita, Catalin Martin; Gerhard Doppler; Javier Farto Lopez, Carolina Paneda; Irina Maslo, Svetlana Surikova, Tamāra Pīgozne, Manuels Fernandezs; Stefano Tirati, Giovanni Crisona, Anna Sarateanu; Renata Prokeinova, Iveta Zentková, Andrea Zalabaiova. Timişoara: Mirton, 97 p. ISBN 978-973-52-1281-0 |
![]() | Training Pack (2012). Training pack is developed in the framework of the project “Creating a business in the digital age – developing entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeans through eMentorship – CReBUS”. Project No. 511822-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-KA3-KA3MP. Development period: 2010-2012. Editor: Ardeleanu, Anca-Monica. DVD format. |
![]() | Surikova, Svetlana; Maslo, Irina (2012). Preferable process of entrepreneurship training and e-mentoring for business start-up: A case study of the CReBUS project. The proceedings of the International Conference “Entrepreneurship Education - A Priority for the Higher Education Institutions – CReBUS”, October 8-9, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. Martin, Catalin; Druica, Elena (Eds.) Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, printed in October 2012 by Editografica, Bologna, Italy, pp. 233-238. ISBN 978-88-7587-656-2 |
![]() | Surikova, Svetlana; Pigozne, Tamara (2012). Entrepreneurial motivations from the students and entrepreneurs’ perspectives: A case study of the CReBUS project. The proceedings of the International Conference “Entrepreneurship Education - A Priority for the Higher Education Institutions – CReBUS”, October 8-9, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. Martin, Catalin; Druica, Elena (Eds.) Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, printed in October 2012 by Editografica, Bologna, Italy, pp. 239-244. ISBN 978-88-7587-656-2 |
![]() | Maslo, Irina; Fernández González, Manuel Joaquin (2012). The central role of educational leadership for developing students' intrapreneurship attitudes in Higher education settings: a case study from Latvia. The proceedings of the International Conference “Entrepreneurship Education - A Priority for the Higher Education Institutions – CReBUS”, October 8-9, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. Martin, Catalin; Druica, Elena (Eds.) Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, printed in October 2012 by Editografica, Bologna, Italy, pp. 169-172. ISBN: 978-88-7587-656-2 |
![]() | Fernández González, Manuel Joaquin; Vostrikovs, Sergejs (2012). Students’ intrapreneurship in Higher education settings and its relevance in the formation of entrepreneurship attitudes: a case study from Latvia. The proceedings of the International Conference “Entrepreneurship Education - A Priority for the Higher Education Institutions – CReBUS”, October 8-9, 2012, Bucharest, Romania.Martin, Catalin; Druica, Elena (Eds.) Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, printed in October 2012 by Editografica, Bologna, Italy, pp. 90-94. ISBN: 978-88-7587-656-2 |
![]() | Martin, Catalin; Surikova, Svetlana; Pīgozne, Tamāra; Maslo, Irina (2011). Needs and perspectives in developing the students’ entrepreneurship competences. A case study from CReBUS research project. Journal of Educational Sciences. 1/2011 (volume 23), pp.38-49. West University from Timisoara. ISSN 1454-7678 |