International Diploma for School Teachers in STEM Education / eSTEM


Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Capacity building in the field of higher education

Project contract No. 561771-EPP-1-2015-1-EG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, LU reg. No. ZD2015/20098, PIz-20098-ST-N-040.

Project's duration: 2015-2018

Project's website:

Collaboration platform for project's partners: 

Project's flyer/poster

Project's partners:

From Egypt:

  1. Ain Shams University (ASU) – project's coordinator;
  2. Nile University (NU);
  3. Egyptian E-Learning University (EELU);
  4. Alexandria University (AU);
  5. Ministry of Education (MOE);
  6. Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT);
  7. Misr El Kheir (MEK).

From United Kingdom

Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)

From Sweden

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

From Latvia

University of Latvia (UL)

The project aims at developing a new generation of qualified STEM teachers who are capable to provide adequate and innovative teaching in Science, Technology, Math and Engineering-based subjects and who are able to stimulate Problem-solving, Innovation, Invention, Self-reliance, Logical thinking and Technological literacy in students qualified for and are willing to pursue STEM-based higher education and jobs. The developed teachers shall be able to work in STEM schools in Egypt and Arab countries as well as working with STEM methodology and resources in regular public and private schools.

This is realized through the following objectives and milestones:

  1. Develop comprehensive gap analysis of the STEM education requirements in Egypt focusing on teacher qualification requirements for STEM track.
  2. Design and develop STEM teacher one-year diploma offered at EG participating universities.
  3. Design and develop (pedagogical-psychological, knowledge-specific) courses for STEM teacher diploma with dual education design concept and according to ECTS system.
  4. Develop the diploma according to ECTS system to be upgraded later to a Master’s degree.
  5. Accredit the developed diploma both in EG and in EU through an EU recognized STEM education development center.
  6. Develop STEM teacher resources for STEM schools or schools applying STEM concept.
  7. Establish STEM resource center for sustainable development of STEM school resources.
  8. Establish exchange links between EG and EU and train EG trainers in EU partner institutions.
  9. Implement the STEM teacher diploma during the project lifetime as an accredited degree.

Pupils' survey (in Latvian)

Teachers' survey (in Latvian)

Teachers' e-interview (in Latvian)

Related links in English:

Head of the Institute participated in eSTEM project kick-off meeting 

The eSTEM project 2nd coordinator meeting 

The eSTEM project training in Glasgow (UK)   

The eSTEM project meeting in the Alexandria University 

The eSTEM follow-up meeting and training seminar on 20-28 April, 2017

The eSTEM follow-up meeting and training seminar in April, 2017 

Two representatives of the University of Latvia participated in training seminar in Cairo, Egypt 

SPEdu and eSTEM projects' meetings and ICT-Learn 2017 conference 

Related links in Latvian:


Latvijas Universitātes zinātnieki uzsāk dalību eSTEM projektā Erasmus+ 2. pamatdarbības ietvaros

PZI un PN zinātnieki kopā ar partneriem no Eiropas un Āfrikas piedalīsies projektā „International Diploma for School Teachers in STEM Education / eSTEM” 

PZI direktors piedalās eSTEM projekta iepazīšanās sanāksmē

eSTEM projekta otrā koordinatoru sanāksme 

eSTEM projekta dalībnieku tikšanās Glāzgovā 

eSTEM projekta darba sanāksme Aleksandrijas Universitātē 

Notika eSTEM projekta sanāksme un mācību seminārs 

LU pārstāvji piedalījās mācību seminārā Kairā, Ēģiptē 

SPEdu un eSTEM projektu sanāksmes un ICT-Learn 2017 konference