Additional achievements in 2017 (RPIVA heritage)

Publicēts un ir indeksēts WoS/Scopus:

  1. Porozovs, J., Valdemiers, A. (2017). The Opinion of Latvian and Norwegian Students about Education for Sustainable Development. 10th International Scientific Conference on Rural Environment, Education and Personality (REEP), Latvia Univ Agr, Jelgava, May, 12-13, 2017, pp. 134-141.
  2. International Project "LAMBA" / Dace Markus, Tija Zirina. References: p.4359-4360 // 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2017); 6-8 March, 2017, Valencia (Spain): Conference Proceedings / eds. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres Valencia: IATED, 2017 P.4355-4360. DOI: 10.21125/inted.2017.1035, URL: ISBN 9788461784912. ISSN 2340-1079
  3. Briška I., Kalēja-Gasparoviča D. (2017). Analysis of Barriers for Creative School Culture in Baltic States, Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference Rural Environment. Education. Personality, Jelgava, pp. 50 – 55. ISSN 2255-808X Indeksēts Web of Science.

Ir publicēts un būs indeksēts WoS/Scopus:

  1. Porozovs, J., Āne, K. (2017). Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju izmantošana pamatskolas dabaszinību un bioloģijas mācību procesā. The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Basic School Science and Biology Study Process. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība materiāli. III daļa. 2017. gada 26.-27. maijs. Society, Integration, education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Vol. III, May 26th-27th, 2017. Rēzekne: „Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija”, 2017, 547. - 557. lpp.
  2. New Knowledge and Skills in Latvian Language Acquisition / Dace Markus, Tija Zirina. References: p.3048-3049 // 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017); 16th-18th November, 2017, Seville, Spain: Proceedings of Conference Seville : IATED Academy, 2017. P.3043-3049 : tab. ISBN 9788469769577. ISSN 2340-1095.

Publicēts kādā citā izdevumā, kas ir indeksēts ERIH, EBSCO u.c.

  1. Porozovs, J. Kristapsone, S. (2017). The Opinion of Latvian Teachers about the Most Suitable Teaching Methods and Possibilities to Make Lessons Interesting. Signum Temporis, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 50–56.
  2. Porozovs, J., Voita, D., Trubina, I., Voits, T., Valdemiers, A. Psychophysiological Peculiarities and Learning Motivation of Students with Learning Disorders. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences. 3rd icH&Hpsy 2017, 3rd International Conference on Health and Health Psychology EpSBS, eISSN: 2357-1330. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2017.09.19.

Publicēts starptautiskā izdevumā, kas nav indeksēts:

  1. Porozovs, J. (2017). Pusaudžu savstarpējo attiecību ietekme uz mācību procesu. Sabiedrība un kultūra. Rakstu krājums, XIX. Liepāja: “LiePA”, 212. - 219. lpp.
  2. Zīriņa, Tija. Digitālā tehnoloģija un bērna valodas attīstība = Digital Technologies and Child's Speech Development / Tija Zīriņa. // Bērnu valoda Latvijā 21. gadsimtā. Rīga : Zinātne, 2017 3.sēj., 144.-154.lpp., ISBN 9789934549410 URL:
  3. Helmane I., Briška I. (2017). What is Developing Integrated or Interdisciplinary or Multidisciplinary or Transdisciplinary Education in School? Signum Temporis 2017; 9(1): 7–15, DOI 10.1515/sigtem-2017-0010, Open Access, ISSN 1691-4929 URL  
  4. Nedzinskaite R., Anspoka Z., Briška I. (2017). Teachers’ professionalism: a comparative analysis of Latvia and Lithuania. Denk und Baltishe Studien for Erziehungs und Social Wissenschaft  (Cultures of Thinking and learning in scientific discourse), band 32, Peter Lang edition, Gerd Bodo im Carlsberg, pp. 471-485. ISSN1434-8748, E-ISBN 978-3-631-736666

Iesniegti un apstiprināti projekti:

  1. I.Briška. Innovative and sustainable aesthetic methods for citizenship education in Nordic and Baltic perspectives (ISAMCE) Nordplus Higher education, TEN-2017. Partneri: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO, University College), 2017 - 2019. 
  2. I.Briška. Testing New Approaches to Training VET and Workplace Tutors for Work based learning - TTT4WBL” (Jaunas pieejas darba vidē balstītām mācībām. ES Ietvara programmas 582951-EPP-1-2016-2-LV-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY, 01.02.2017 - 31.01.2020
  3. I.Briška. Developing Interdisciplinary Economics, Ethics and Citizenship Education in Secondary School (Starpdisciplināru ekonomikas, ētikas un civilzinību mācību attīstība vidusskolā). 23.12.2016 - 31.08.2018
  4. I.Briška. Developing Capacity for Teaching Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region” (Skolotāju izglītība ilgtspējīgas attīstības sekmēšanai Baltijas jūras reģionā). Baltic University programme 13.03.2017 - 04.10.2017. Partneri: Network of universities and other institutes of higher learning throughout the Baltic Sea region.
  5. I.Briška. Kompetenču pieeja mācību saturā, ESF projekts Nr.