Results in 2018

Publicētie raksti:

  1. Daniela, L., Vasečko, L. (2018) Self-directed Learning and Homework: Student and Teacher Perspectives // 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), 12-14 November, 2018, Seville pp. 0116-0123, ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5, ISSN 2340-109: IATED Academy, ICERI2018 Proceedings
  2. Nīmante, D. Gehtmane-Hofmane, I., Vasečko, L. (2018). Children’s voice and decision making in institutional care in Latvia.// In: 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Dates: 12-14 November, 2018, Seville, Spain: Proceedings, Ed. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, Seville: IATED Academy, doi: 10.21125/iceri.2018.2481 ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5, ISSN: 2340-1095, 6289-6294.

Sagatavotie un apstiprinātie projekti:

Ļ.Vasečko, Efektīvās sadarbības projekts “Bērna vajadzībās pamatotu pakalpojumu izstrāde ārpusģimenes aprūpē esošu bērnu atbalsta nodrošināšanai”, LU, VBTAI (02.01.2018. – 30.01.2019), pētniece.