Results in 2019


  1. Antra Ozola, Andrejs Geske (2019). What Do Teachers Do to Promote Students’ Reading Literacy at 4th Grade? – Evidence From Iea Pirls 2016 Study. In Linda Daniela (Ed.), Innovations, technologies and research in education, 2019. Proceedings of ATEE Spring conference (pp. 323-332). Riga: University of Latvia Press. DOI: 
  2. Andrejs Geske, Normunds Rečs. (2019). The Impact of Headmaster’s Leadership Practice on the Formation of a Professional Learning Community at School. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume II, May 24th -25th, 2019. pp. 90-105. 
  3. Antoņina Jemeļjanenko, Andrejs Geske. (2019). Management of Psychosocial Risks in the Educational Sector of Latvia. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume VI, May 24th-25th, 2019. pp. 215-223. 
  4. Normunds Rečs, Andrejs Geske (2019). The Professional Learning Community as an Organizational System for School Staff Development, School Change and Improvement. In Linda Daniela (Ed.), Innovations, technologies and research in education, 2019. Proceedings of ATEE Spring conference (pp. 498-510). Riga: University of Latvia Press. DOI: 
  5. Antra Ozola, Andrejs Geske (2019). What Do Teachers Do to Promote Students’ Reading Literacy at 4th Grade? – Evidence From Iea Pirls 2016 Study. Abstracts of ATEE Spring Conference 2019 “Innovations, technologies and research in education”, Riga 7-8th June 2019. 
  6. Normunds Rečs, Andrejs Geske (2019). The Professional Learning Community as an Organizational System for School Staff Development, School Change and Improvement. Abstracts of ATEE Spring Conference 2019 “Innovations, technologies and research in education”, Riga 7-8th June 2019. 


Šobrīd tiek strādāts pie publikācijas TIMSS 2019 Encyclopedia: The Mathematics Curriculum in Primary and Lower Secondary Grades un Special Initiatives in Mathematics and Science Education.

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