Results in 2017

Publicēts un ir indeksēts WoS/Scopus:

  1. Gerina-Berzina, A., Hasnere, S., Kolesovs, A., Umbrasko, S., Muceniece, R., & Nakurte, I. (2017). Determination of cisplatin in human blood plasma and urine using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for oncological patients with a variety of fatty tissue mass for prediction of toxicity. Experimental Oncology, 39 (2), 124-130. (Scopus)

Ir publicēts un būs indeksēts WoS/Scopus:

  1. Kolesovs, A. (2017). Individual future orientation and demographic factors predicting life satisfaction. In V. Lubkina, & A. Zvaigzne (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Society. Integration. Education. Vol. 1. (pp. 534-543). Rezekne: Rezekne Academy of Technologies.
  2. Kolesovs, A., & Melne, I. (2017). Predictors of the sense of belonging to the country: Exploring a new model. In V. Lubkina, & A. Zvaigzne (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Society. Integration. Education. Vol. 1. (pp. 544-553). Rezekne: Rezekne Academy of Technologies.

Izstrādātas un aprobētas analītiskās pētniecības un datu apstrādes metodes:

Indivīda orientācijas uz nākotni skala (The Individual Future Orientation Scale, IFOS). Publicēts  Kolesovs, A. (2017). Individual future orientation and demographic factors predicting life satisfaction. In V. Lubkina, & A. Zvaigzne (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Society. Integration. Education. Vol. 1. (pp. 534-543). Rezekne: Rezekne Academy of Technologies.