Results in 2018

Publicētie raksti:

  1. Kolesovs, A., Salima, I., & Maskovs, A. (2018). Formulations of the main goal in life: A qualitative content analysis. In V. Lubkina, K. Šneidere, S. Ušča, & A. Zvaigzne (Eds.), Society, Integration, Education: Vol. VII. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (pp. 104-114). Rezekne: Rezekne Academy of Technologies.
  2. Kolesovs, A. (2018). Motivational, cognitive, and behavioral components of the main goal in life: A structural model. Proceedings of the 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, Vol. 5, Psychology and Psychiatry (pp. 239-246). doi:10.5593/sgemsocial2018/3.2  

Citi sasniegumi:

  1. A.Kolesovs. Recenzēšanas pienākumu veikšana zinātniskiem izdevumiem 2018.gadā: 1) Virtual Reality, Springer; 2) International Journal of Psychology: A biopsychosocial approach, Vytautas Magnus University; 3) Baltic Journal of Psychology, University of Latvia.
  2. A.Kolesovs. Citi pētnieciskā darba veikumi, piemēram grāmatas vai žurnāla redaktora pienākumi: 1) International Journal of Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach, Consulting Editor; 2) Baltic Journal of Psychology, University of Latvia, Editorial Board Member.