Results in 2019


  1. Tūbele, S., Laganovska, E. (2019). Postgraduate professional study program “Special education teacher” in University of Latvia. Abstracts of ATEE Spring Conference 2019 “Innovations, technologies and research in education”, Riga 7-8th June 2019.
  2. Tūbele, S., Daniela., L. (2019). Managing Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Theory and Practice across Europe and Beyond – Latvia. In Law, J.,  McKean, C.,  Murphy, C.-A., Thordardottir, E. (Eds.), Managing Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Theory and Practice across Europe and Beyond (pp. 302-309). Taylor and Francis, DOI: 10.4324/9780429455308
  3. Nīmante, D., Repina, N. (2019). Access to Interest-Related Education in Latvia for Children and Young People: Parents’ Perspective. In Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, Proceedings of Scientific Papers. Riga: University of Latvia, pp.171- 182.
  4. Šūmane, I., Martinsone, B., Nīmante, D., Raščevska, M., Umbraško, S. (2019). Support Team for Children with Special Needs in Latvian Schools. In Innovations, technologies and research in education (Ed. Daniela, L.)  Rīga, University of Latvia, pp. 454-463.
  5. Šūmane, I., Martinsone, B., Nīmante, D., Raščevska, M., Umbraško, S. (2019). Support Team for Children with Special Needs in Latvian Schools. Abstracts of ATEE Spring Conference 2019 “Innovations, technologies and research in education”, Riga 7-8th June 2019.

Iesniegtie projekti:

  1. D.Nīmante. Strengthening inclusion in European teacher education. Action: Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA203), National Agency: DE01 Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit im Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (NA-DAAD), Leading partner - Germany, INTAMT - International Aсademy of Management and Technology, Project partners: Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Rep, Romania, Latvia and Lithuania.
  2. D.Nīmante. Vocational training on educating and supporting professionals of pre-school infants with ASD. Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training (KA202), National Agency: EL01 Greek State Scholarship's Foundation (IKY).

Studentu iesaiste:

  1. Nellija Repina, maģistrante zinātniskās publikācijas sagatavošanā.  
  2. Rasa Zandberga iesaistīta projektā iekļaujošo metodisko materiālu apkopošanā MyHUB – a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for the pedagogical staff at formal and non-formal educational institutions (Erasmus+ K3).

Citi sasniegumi:

  1. D.Nīmante, Cost akcijas CA17114 “Transdisciplinary solutions to cross sectoral disadvantage in youth” dalībniece.
  2. D.Nīmante, Cost akcijas CA18115 – “Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level” dalībniece.
  3. Laganovska, E., Tūbele, S. (07.06.2019 - 08.06.2019) Referāts, Postgraduate Professional Study Program Special Education Teacher, LU ATEE Spring Conference, Rīga.
  4. 12.- 20.07. 2019. projekta ietvaros “International E-based Diploma and Professional Certificates in Special Education and Inclusion,  kursu vadīšana, līdzdalība darba grupā, Nile University, Ēģipte 23.08 – 01.09.2019 Referāts “Information and Communication Technologies in Speech and Language Therapy in Latvia”, working topic: INTERACTIVE TOOLS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY Trainer: Egija Laganovska, training course “LINKS – Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills", Kranevo, Bulgaria.