The main research directions in 2016–2019

In 2016-2019, the research project “Human, Technologies and Quality of Education” explores the interrelationship between human, technologies and educational quality within three aspects: 1- Human and education; 2- Quality of education and technologies; and 3- Human and technologies.

Each aspect is explored through several research sub-projects:

A- Human and education: The topic is addressed with particular emphasis on cultural aspects and civic education in education on the one hand and the relationship between pedagogical leadership and quality of education on the other. Research sub-projects:

Cultural heritage for qualitative education of contemporary human (manager I. Ķestere);

Providing internationally comparable civic education studies (manager A. Geske);

Quality of adult education for promoting youth inclusion in Europe (managers I. Maslo & I.Gehtmane-Hofmane);

Teacher ethics, development of transversal and socio-emotional competences, and character education for promoting education quality (managers M. Fernandez & T. Pīgozne);

Pedagogical leadership, career choice and quality of education in Latvia (managers M. Fernandez & S. Surikova);

Development of socio-emotional competence in adolescents with institutional care experience (manager L. Vasečko);

Theoretical basis for the implementation of the competence approach in Latvia based on the study of foreign experience (manager I. Odiņa);

Youth education planning and national identity (manager A. Koļesovs).

B- Quality of Education and Technologies: The topic is addressed by focusing on the modernization of higher education (including STEM subjects) as well as the digitization of higher and preschool education. Research sub-projects:

STEM teachers' training for educational excellence (manager R. Birzina);

Transformations of higher education in the context of digitalisation (manager R. Strods);

Technology-enhanced learning process (manager L. Daniela);

Human pedagogical trends in promoting innovative knowledge in secondary school (manager S. Rone);

Quality of materials processing technology education (manager M. Urdziņa-Deruma).

C- Human and Technologies:

Adolescents and youngsters' identity and prosocial behavior related to the use of digital technology in a longitudinal perspective (manager S. Sebre);

Collective music making  – the development of collective music making skills and abilities in the context of cultural learning on the one hand, and aspects of pedagogical leadership on the other. Synergy between the two points of view. (manager G. Bernāts);

Lifestyle characteristics of children and young people with learning disabilities and the use of information and communication technologies to improve quality of life (managers J. Porozovs & E. Laganovska).


UL FEPA cooperates with two UL faculties:

Rita Birziņa, a senior researcher at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia, is leading the STEM project

UL FEPA researcher Ērika Vugule will work on the topic "Letonica, diaspora and intercultural communication" of the Faculty of Humanities.