2019. gada rezultāti


  1. Daniela, L., Strods, R. (2019). Educational Robotics for Reducing Early School Leaving from the Perspective of Sustainable Education. In L.Daniela (Ed.), Smart Learning with Educational Robotics - Using Robots to Scaffold Learning Outcomes (pp. 43-61). Cham, Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-19912-8
  2. Daniela, L., Strods, R., France, I.  (2019). Activities with Educational Robotics: Research Model and Tools for Evaluation of Progress. In L.Daniela (Ed.), Smart Learning with Educational Robotics - Using Robots to Scaffold Learning Outcomes (pp. 251-266).  Cham, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-19912-8
  3. Strods, R., Daniela, L. (2019). The gap between higher education development tendencies and study process in the context of digitalization. Abstracts of ATEE Spring Conference 2019 “Innovations, technologies and research in education”, Riga 7-8th June 2019. http://ateespringconference.lu.lv/files/2019/ATEE_abstracts_spring_2019.pdf

Iesniegts publicēšanai:

Strods, R., Daniela, L., Rubene, Z. (2019). The Digitalisation of Study Process from Perspective of Academics. OOFHEC2019: the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference rakstu krājums. 

Citi sasniegumi:

  1. R.Strods. International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society (IJSEUS), IGI Global (3 raksti recenzēti)
  2. R.Strods. Dalība Latvijas Universitātes 77. Starptautiskā zinātniskās konferences "Cilvēks un tehnoloģijas, izglītības kvalitāte" plenārsēdē ar referātu "Augstākās izglītības digitalizācija: no tehnoloģijām bagātinātas vides uz izglītības aktoru kompetences stiprināšanu".
  3. R.Strods. Dalība ATEE Spring Conference 2019 Innovations, technologies and research in education ar referātu "The Gap Between Higher Education Development Tendencies and Study Process in the Context of Digitalisation". Iesaiste konferences organizēšanā.
  4. R.Strods. Dalība OOFHEC2019: the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference ar referātu "The Digitalisation of Study Process from Perspective of Academics".