2018. gada rezultāti

Publicētie raksti:

  1. Daniela, L., Lytras, M.D., (2018) Educational robotics for inclusive education// Technology, Knowledge and Learning, pp 1-7, DOI: 10.1007/s10758-018-9397-5
  2. Daniela, L., Vasečko, L. (2018). Self-directed Learning and Homework: Student and Teacher Perspectives // 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), 12-14 November, 2018, Seville pp. 0116-0123, ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5, ISSN 2340-109: IATED Academy, ICERI2018 Proceedings
  3. Daniela, L., Visvizi, A., Gutiérrez-Braojos, C., Lytras, M.D. (2018). Sustainable Higher Education and Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). Sustainability 10 (11) 1-22 3883, doi:10.3390/su10113883
  4. Lytras, M.D., Visvizi, A., Daniela, L., Sarirete, A., Ordonez De Pablos, P. (2018). Social Networks Research for Sustainable Smart Education//Sustainability 10(9) p 1-20, doi:10.3390/su10092974
  5. Daniela, L. (2018). Smart Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning. Didactics of Smart Pedagogy :Smart Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning, ed. L.Daniela, Springer ISBN 978-3-030-01550-3
  6. Daniela, L., Rūdolfa, A. (2018). Learning platforms – how to make the right choice. Didactics of Smart Pedagogy:  Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning, ed. L.Daniela, Springer ISBN 978-3-030-01550-3
  7. Daniela, L., Visvizi, A., Lytras M. (2018). How to predict unpredictable. Technology Enhanced Learning and Learning Innovations in HE. The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence. ed. A.Visvizi, M.Lytras and L.Daniela, Emerald, ISBN 9781787565562
  8. Visvizi, A., Lytras, M.D., Daniela, L. (2018). Education, Innovation and the Prospect of Sustainable Growth and Development. The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence. ed. A.Visvizi, M.Lytras and L.Daniela, Emerald, ISBN 9781787565562
  9. Visvizi, A., Lytras, M.D., Daniela, L. (2018). The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: a case for restoring the role of the teacher as a mentor. The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence. ed. A.Visvizi, M.Lytras and L.Daniela, Emerald, ISBN 9781787565562
  10. Daniela, L., Chui, K.T., Visvizi, A., Lytras, M. (2018). On the Way to Smart Education and Urban Society Knowledge-Intensive Economies and Opportunities for Social, Organizational, and Technological Growth, ed. M.Lytras, L.Daniela and A.Visvizi, IGI Global, ISBN(13): 9781522573470
  11. Daniela, L., Jürimäe, M. (2018). Audio-Book "How the Shammies Learn?" for Preschool Education // 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2018), 5-7 March, 2018, Valencia : Conference Proceedings Valencia : IATED Academy, 2018 P. 9560-9568. ISBN 9788469794807. ISSN 2340-1079.
  12. Daniela, L., Rubene, Z., Goba, L. (2018). Digital learning materials and educational technologies in schools in Latvia. Overview of the situation // 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2018), 5-7 March, 2018, Valencia : Conference Proceedings Valencia : IATED Academy, 2018 P.9549-9559. ISBN 9788469794807. ISSN 2340-1079.
  13. Daniela, L., Rudolfa, A. (2018). The role of parents for developing digital literacy of 0-5 year olds: Learning Strategies and Constructionism in Modern Education Settings, ed. L.Daniela and M.Lytras, IGI Global, ISBN(13): 9781522554301
  14. Daniela, L., Lytras, M. (2018). SMART Pedagogy: (Re) defining pedagogy: Learning Strategies and Constructionism in Modern Education Settings, ed. L.Daniela and M.Lytras, IGI Global, 1-15, ISBN(13): 9781522554301
  15. Daniela, L., Strods, R. (2018). Robot as Agent in Reducing Risks of Early School Leaving in: Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, ed. L.Daniela, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp 140-158, ISBN (10): 1-5275-0622-3
  16. Visvizi, A., Lytras, M.D., Daniela, L. (2018). (Re)Defining Smart Education: Towards Dynamic Education and Information Systems for Innovation Networks, in: Enhancing Knowledge Discovery and Innovation in the Digital Era; Eds. Lytras, M.D., Daniela, L., Visvizi, A. IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-5225-4191-2
  17. Rubene, Z. (2018). Integration Approaches of Digital Media in the Teaching/Learning Process. Hrsg.: Linda Daniela, Lytras Mitiadis D. Hershey, PA ; IGI Global, [2018] Chapter 2, p.16-24. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5430-1.ch002. , URL: www.igi-global.com/chapter/integration-approaches-of-digital-media-in-the-teachinglearning-process/207941 ISBN 9781522554318.
  18. Rubene, Z. (2018). Digital Childhood: Some Reflections from the Point of View of Philosophy of Education. Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education / ed. Linda Daniela Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 @PA : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 P.64-77. ISBN 9781527506220.
  19. Rubene, Z., Daniela, L., Kalnina, D., Jansone-Ratinika, N. (2018). Young Children and Digital Technology: Case of Latvia. 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018); 12th-14th November, 2018, Seville, Spain : Proceedings of Conference Seville : IATED Academy, 2018. P.760-768 : tab. ISBN 9788409059485. ISSN 2340-1095.

Sagatavotie un iesniegtie projekti:

  1. L.Daniela. Motivating secondary school students towards STEM careers through robotic artefact making (RoboScientists). Erasmus+ K2, No 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051129, Leading partner POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA (Poland)
  2. L.Daniela. Developing Teaching Materials for Preschool Teaching Undergraduates on Computational Thinking and Introduction to Coding (EarlyCode). Erasmus+ K2, Leading partner AHI EVRAN UNIVERSITESI (Turkey)
  3. L.Daniela. eMedia: MEdia literacy and Digital citizenship for all. Erasmus+ K2.Project No 2018-1-FR01-KA201-048117 Leading partner La Ligue de L’enseignment (France)
  4. L.Daniela. MyHUB – a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for the pedagogical staff at formal and non-formal educational institutions (Erasmus K3)
  5. L.Daniela. MyInclusionHUB - a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for teachers (Erasmus+ K2)
  6. L.Daniela. Fairy Science (Erasmus+ K2)
  7. L.Daniela. RoboPisces (Erasmus+ K2)
  8. L.Daniela. XXI century inclusive classrooms: educational robotics pedagogy to reduce school dropouts” - ROBOTEACH (Erasmus+ K2)
  9. L.Daniela. Developing Virtual Reality Resources of Assistive Technologies for the SEN Teaching Undergraduates (Erasmus+ K2)

Iesniegtie un apstiprinātie projekti:

  1. L.Daniela. “Motivating secondary school students towards STEM careers through robotic artefact making (RoboScientists)”, Erasmus+ K2, No 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051129, Leading partner POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA (Poland)
  2. L.Daniela. “Developing Teaching Materials for Preschool Teaching Undergraduates on Computational Thinking and Introduction to Coding (EarlyCode)”, Erasmus+ K2, Leading partner AHI EVRAN UNIVERSITESI (Turkey)
  3. L.Daniela. “eMedia: MEdia literacy and Digital citizenship for all” Erasmus+ K2.Project No 2018-1-FR01-KA201-048117 Leading partner La Ligue de L’enseignment (France)
  4. L.Daniela. MyHUB – a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for the pedagogical staff at formal and non-formal educational institutions (Erasmus+ K3)

Pašlaik aktuālie projekti:

  1. L.Daniela. “Motivating secondary school students towards STEM careers through robotic artefact making (RoboScientists)”, Erasmus+, No 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051129, Leading partner POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA (Poland)
  2. L.Daniela. “Developing Teaching Materials for Preschool Teaching Undergraduates on Computational Thinking and Introduction to Coding (EarlyCode)”, Erasmus+, Leading partner AHI EVRAN UNIVERSITESI (Turkey)
  3. L.Daniela. “eMedia: MEdia literacy and Digital citizenship for all” Erasmus+.Project No 2018-1-FR01-KA201-048117 Leading partner La Ligue de L’enseignment (France)
  4. L.Daniela. MyHUB Inclusion
  5. L.Daniela. The gap between political development documents and real practice of digitalization of higher education”, OSMOZE, No LV-FR 2018/1
  6. L.Daniela. “International E-based Diploma and Professional Certificates in Special Education and Inclusion” (senior researcher)
  7. L.Daniela. INTERREG Project “Printed audio-learning materials for early childhood education“. Project leader "Digital Learning Systems" (Estonia) (01.02.17.-01.02.19.) project coordinator and seniour researcher

Iesaistītie studējošie:

  1. Raimonds Strods, kopīgas publikācijas un darbošanās projektos (OSMOZE, RoboESL)

  2. Katrīna Skrastiņa, darbošanās projektos (eMedia un RoboScientists)

  3. Arta Rūdolfa, kopīgas publikācijas un darbošanās projektos (eMedia un RoboScientists)

  4. Santa Dreimane, darbošanās projektā (Kā Lupatiņi mācījās? eMedia literacy)

  5. Katrīna Elizabete Biezā, darbšanās projektos (EarlyCode, MyInclusion HUB)

Citi sasniegumi:

L.Daniela. Recenzēšanas pienākumu veikšana zinātniskiem izdevumiem 2018.gadā: 1) Behaviour & Information Technology, Taylor and Francis (IF); 2) Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier; 3) Virtual Reality, Springer; 4) Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries (Wiley); 5) Education Sciences (MDPI); 6) Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management.

L.Daniela. Citi pētnieciskā darba veikumi, piemēram, grāmatas vai žurnāla redaktora pienākumi:

  • “Didactics of Smart Pedagogy - Smart Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning”, by Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-01550-3
  • “The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence” by Emerald publishing house, ISBN 9781787565562
  • “Knowledge-Intensive Economies and Opportunities for Social, Organizational, and Technological Growth” by IGI Global publishing house ISBN(13): 9781522573470
  • “Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education” 2018, Cambridge Scoolar Publishing ISBN (10): 1-5275-0622-3
  • “Learning Strategies and Constructionism in Modern Education Settings” by IGI Global publishing house, ISBN13: 9781522554301
  • “Enhancing Knowledge Discovery and Innovation in the Digital Era” by IGI Global publishing house, ISBN13: 9781522541912
  • “Learning Innovation and Social Business for Sustainable Human Centric Socio-Economic Growth and Development" in journal “Computers in Human Behaviour” IF 3,536
  • “Smart Sustainable Education: Innovative Digital Transformation for Innovation and Entrepreunership" in journal “Sustainability” IF 2.075
  • “EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION'' in journal Tehnology, Knowledge and Learning” (Springer)
  • “International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society” (IGI Global)