2019. gada rezultāti


Dagnija Cedere, Rita Birziņa, Tamara Pigozne, Elena Vasilevskaya. (2019). How to make learning in STEM meaningful for the Millennium generation. Science and technology education: current challenges and possible solutions: Proceedings of the 3rd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education, June 17-20, 2019, Šiauliai / ed. Vincentas Lamanauskas Šiauliai: Scientia Socialis, pp. 41-46.

Pieņemts publicēšanai:

Luka, I., Fernate, A., Birzina, R. & Pigozne, T. Quality assurance in adult education in Latvia. In H. Flavian (Ed.), From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education; An International Perspective. Emerald.

Sagatavots un iesniegts:

  1. Birzina, R., Pigozne, T. Technology as a tool in STEM teaching and learning. Raksts LLU 2020. gada konferences rakstu krājumam "Rural Environment. Education. Personality."
  2. Cedere, D., Birzina, R., Pigozne, T. Teaching Strategies for Millennium Generation Meaningful Learning in STEM: Supply and Demand. Problems of Education in the 21st Century.

Citi sasniegumi:

Birzina, R., Pigozne T. Uzstāšanās ar ziņojumu un PowerPoint prezentāciju  "How to make learning in STEM meaningful for the Millennium generation" Šauļu Universitātes konferencē 2019. gada jūnijā.